
The SingaCup Calendar, powered by ECAL (the same calendar communications software used by English Premier League, Formula E and even the NBA).

October 21st, 2020 | Broadcast

We are proud to introduce to you the SingaCup Calendar, powered by ECAL (the same calendar communications software used by English Premier League, Formula E and even the NBA).

Compatible with all major calendar software, you can now sync up with all the latest SingaCup schedules and events right in your calendar!

For a start, all SingaCup2020’s events are now available once you sync SingaCup to your calendar!

What’s more, all the events will be updated with the latest information, changes and updates automatically – so you will always have the latest and most accurate SingaCup schedules at all times!

You can find the “add to calendar” button on our website at http://singacup.com. You can also find this on our brand new Facebook Tab: SingaCup2020 on our SingaCup facebook page (fb.com/singacup), which also features the full schedules for your convenience!

Sync up now! Stay connected and welcome to our ever growing SingaCup family!!! ❤️

Sync Now: https://bit.ly/34dXFd7?_=ecal

Sync SingaCup’s schedules into the calendar of your choice! And never miss another SingaCup event ever!

You can find the “Sync Calendar” button on our website (http://singacup.com)

Or you can check out our schedules here on our special Facebook Tab!

You can see all the events lined up by SingaCup on this Facebook tab! You can also sync to your calendar here via the ADD THIS button!

Once sync, you will find all the events added automatically onto your calendar. You will be happy to know that, any changes to our schedules will also be automatically updated on your side too!

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